I have been an active member of the slackline community for the past 6 years. I contribute by making our association present more professionally.
A big problem we have with our sport is that people do not understand it and assume that it is very dangerous. However, the ISA has created safety standards and rigger certifications to make everything more uniformly safe. It is imperative that when we present these achievements, that they reflect the level of professionalism that it takes to make them. So my role in the association is so important because it is what the officials will see when they look at the legitimacy of our sport. So it must be presented in a clean, professional manner.
certificate design

I designed this certificate for a number of categories, including rigger certification, gear safety, contest organizers, athlete excellence, world records and more.
live stream graphics

In July 2022, the ISA held the first ever Highline World Championships in Laax, Switzerland. My role in the event was to design and create all the graphics displayed on the screen during the live streaming of the event.
slackline beginner tutorial series
Full series video titles
{What is Slacklining?}
{How to Rig a Ratchet Line}
{Warming Up}
{How to Stand on a Slackline}
Kfir Smiley Amir
Cara Urban
Miryana Paloma
You can see the full series in the link below
Transalp Waterline Tour 2022
Filmed & Edited
Cara Urban
This is a 8 part video series of educational content for the sport of slacklining.
The videos include
1. The Slackrack
2. How to Teach Slacklining
3. How Wind Affects Slacklining
4. Why to Protect your Ears when Waterlining
5. Why Waterline?
6. Beach Waste Slackline
7. How to Coil Webbing
8. Transalp Waterline Tour Event 2022
You can watch them all on the @slackline_international instagram page
Logo Animation
Cara Urban
Logo design
Andreas Erschen